pidgin 2.14.15dev
A protocol plugin information structure. More...
#include <prpl.h>
Data Fields | |
PurpleProtocolOptions | options |
Protocol options. | |
GList * | user_splits |
A GList of PurpleAccountUserSplit. | |
GList * | protocol_options |
A GList of PurpleAccountOption | |
PurpleBuddyIconSpec | icon_spec |
The icon spec. | |
const char *(* | list_icon )(PurpleAccount *account, PurpleBuddy *buddy) |
Returns the base icon name for the given buddy and account. | |
const char *(* | list_emblem )(PurpleBuddy *buddy) |
Fills the four char**'s with string identifiers for "emblems" that the UI will interpret and display as relevant. | |
char *(* | status_text )(PurpleBuddy *buddy) |
Gets a short string representing this buddy's status. | |
void(* | tooltip_text )(PurpleBuddy *buddy, PurpleNotifyUserInfo *user_info, gboolean full) |
Allows the prpl to add text to a buddy's tooltip. | |
GList *(* | status_types )(PurpleAccount *account) |
Returns a list of PurpleStatusType which exist for this account; this must be implemented, and must add at least the offline and online states. | |
GList *(* | blist_node_menu )(PurpleBlistNode *node) |
Returns a list of PurpleMenuAction structs, which represent extra actions to be shown in (for example) the right-click menu for node. | |
GList *(* | chat_info )(PurpleConnection *) |
Returns a list of proto_chat_entry structs, which represent information required by the PRPL to join a chat. | |
GHashTable *(* | chat_info_defaults )(PurpleConnection *, const char *chat_name) |
Returns a hashtable which maps proto_chat_entry struct identifiers to default options as strings based on chat_name. | |
void(* | login )(PurpleAccount *) |
This must be implemented. | |
void(* | close )(PurpleConnection *) |
This must be implemented. | |
int(* | send_im )(PurpleConnection *, const char *who, const char *message, PurpleMessageFlags flags) |
This PRPL function should return a positive value on success. | |
void(* | set_info )(PurpleConnection *, const char *info) |
unsigned int(* | send_typing )(PurpleConnection *, const char *name, PurpleTypingState state) |
void(* | get_info )(PurpleConnection *, const char *who) |
Should arrange for purple_notify_userinfo() to be called with who's user info. | |
void(* | set_status )(PurpleAccount *account, PurpleStatus *status) |
void(* | set_idle )(PurpleConnection *, int idletime) |
void(* | change_passwd )(PurpleConnection *, const char *old_pass, const char *new_pass) |
void(* | add_buddy )(PurpleConnection *, PurpleBuddy *buddy, PurpleGroup *group) |
Add a buddy to a group on the server. | |
void(* | add_buddies )(PurpleConnection *, GList *buddies, GList *groups) |
void(* | remove_buddy )(PurpleConnection *, PurpleBuddy *buddy, PurpleGroup *group) |
void(* | remove_buddies )(PurpleConnection *, GList *buddies, GList *groups) |
void(* | add_permit )(PurpleConnection *, const char *name) |
void(* | add_deny )(PurpleConnection *, const char *name) |
void(* | rem_permit )(PurpleConnection *, const char *name) |
void(* | rem_deny )(PurpleConnection *, const char *name) |
void(* | set_permit_deny )(PurpleConnection *) |
void(* | join_chat )(PurpleConnection *, GHashTable *components) |
Called when the user requests joining a chat. | |
void(* | reject_chat )(PurpleConnection *, GHashTable *components) |
Called when the user refuses a chat invitation. | |
char *(* | get_chat_name )(GHashTable *components) |
Returns a chat name based on the information in components. | |
void(* | chat_invite )(PurpleConnection *, int id, const char *message, const char *who) |
Invite a user to join a chat. | |
void(* | chat_leave )(PurpleConnection *, int id) |
Called when the user requests leaving a chat. | |
void(* | chat_whisper )(PurpleConnection *, int id, const char *who, const char *message) |
Send a whisper to a user in a chat. | |
int(* | chat_send )(PurpleConnection *, int id, const char *message, PurpleMessageFlags flags) |
Send a message to a chat. | |
void(* | keepalive )(PurpleConnection *) |
If implemented, this will be called regularly for this prpl's active connections. | |
void(* | register_user )(PurpleAccount *) |
new user registration | |
void(* | get_cb_info )(PurpleConnection *, int, const char *who) |
void(* | get_cb_away )(PurpleConnection *, int, const char *who) |
void(* | alias_buddy )(PurpleConnection *, const char *who, const char *alias) |
save/store buddy's alias on server list/roster | |
void(* | group_buddy )(PurpleConnection *, const char *who, const char *old_group, const char *new_group) |
change a buddy's group on a server list/roster | |
void(* | rename_group )(PurpleConnection *, const char *old_name, PurpleGroup *group, GList *moved_buddies) |
rename a group on a server list/roster | |
void(* | buddy_free )(PurpleBuddy *) |
void(* | convo_closed )(PurpleConnection *, const char *who) |
const char *(* | normalize )(const PurpleAccount *, const char *who) |
Convert the username who to its canonical form. | |
void(* | set_buddy_icon )(PurpleConnection *, PurpleStoredImage *img) |
Set the buddy icon for the given connection to img. | |
void(* | remove_group )(PurpleConnection *gc, PurpleGroup *group) |
char *(* | get_cb_real_name )(PurpleConnection *gc, int id, const char *who) |
Gets the real name of a participant in a chat. | |
void(* | set_chat_topic )(PurpleConnection *gc, int id, const char *topic) |
PurpleChat *(* | find_blist_chat )(PurpleAccount *account, const char *name) |
PurpleRoomlist *(* | roomlist_get_list )(PurpleConnection *gc) |
void(* | roomlist_cancel )(PurpleRoomlist *list) |
void(* | roomlist_expand_category )(PurpleRoomlist *list, PurpleRoomlistRoom *category) |
gboolean(* | can_receive_file )(PurpleConnection *, const char *who) |
void(* | send_file )(PurpleConnection *, const char *who, const char *filename) |
PurpleXfer *(* | new_xfer )(PurpleConnection *, const char *who) |
gboolean(* | offline_message )(const PurpleBuddy *buddy) |
Checks whether offline messages to buddy are supported. | |
PurpleWhiteboardPrplOps * | whiteboard_prpl_ops |
int(* | send_raw )(PurpleConnection *gc, const char *buf, int len) |
For use in plugins that may understand the underlying protocol. | |
char *(* | roomlist_room_serialize )(PurpleRoomlistRoom *room) |
void(* | unregister_user )(PurpleAccount *, PurpleAccountUnregistrationCb cb, void *user_data) |
Remove the user from the server. | |
gboolean(* | send_attention )(PurpleConnection *gc, const char *username, guint type) |
GList *(* | get_attention_types )(PurpleAccount *acct) |
unsigned long | struct_size |
The size of the PurplePluginProtocolInfo. | |
GHashTable *(* | get_account_text_table )(PurpleAccount *account) |
This allows protocols to specify additional strings to be used for various purposes. | |
gboolean(* | initiate_media )(PurpleAccount *account, const char *who, PurpleMediaSessionType type) |
Initiate a media session with the given contact. | |
PurpleMediaCaps(* | get_media_caps )(PurpleAccount *account, const char *who) |
Checks to see if the given contact supports the given type of media session. | |
PurpleMood *(* | get_moods )(PurpleAccount *account) |
Returns an array of "PurpleMood"s, with the last one having "mood" set to NULL . | |
void(* | set_public_alias )(PurpleConnection *gc, const char *alias, PurpleSetPublicAliasSuccessCallback success_cb, PurpleSetPublicAliasFailureCallback failure_cb) |
Set the user's "friendly name" (or alias or nickname or whatever term you want to call it) on the server. | |
void(* | get_public_alias )(PurpleConnection *gc, PurpleGetPublicAliasSuccessCallback success_cb, PurpleGetPublicAliasFailureCallback failure_cb) |
Retrieve the user's "friendly name" as set on the server. | |
void(* | add_buddy_with_invite )(PurpleConnection *pc, PurpleBuddy *buddy, PurpleGroup *group, const char *message) |
Add a buddy to a group on the server. | |
void(* | add_buddies_with_invite )(PurpleConnection *pc, GList *buddies, GList *groups, const char *message) |
char *(* | get_cb_alias )(PurpleConnection *gc, int id, const char *who) |
Get the display alias of a participant in a chat. | |
gboolean(* | chat_can_receive_file )(PurpleConnection *, int id) |
Determine whether a chat can receive a file. | |
void(* | chat_send_file )(PurpleConnection *, int id, const char *filename) |
Send a file to a chat room. | |
A protocol plugin information structure.
Every protocol plugin initializes this structure. It is the gateway between purple and the protocol plugin. Many of these callbacks can be NULL. If a callback must be implemented, it has a comment indicating so.
void(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::add_buddies) (PurpleConnection *, GList *buddies, GList *groups) |
void(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::add_buddies_with_invite) (PurpleConnection *pc, GList *buddies, GList *groups, const char *message) |
void(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::add_buddy) (PurpleConnection *, PurpleBuddy *buddy, PurpleGroup *group) |
Add a buddy to a group on the server.
This PRPL function may be called in situations in which the buddy is already in the specified group. If the protocol supports authorization and the user is not already authorized to see the status of buddy, add_buddy should request authorization.
void(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::add_buddy_with_invite) (PurpleConnection *pc, PurpleBuddy *buddy, PurpleGroup *group, const char *message) |
Add a buddy to a group on the server.
This PRPL function may be called in situations in which the buddy is already in the specified group. If the protocol supports authorization and the user is not already authorized to see the status of buddy, add_buddy should request authorization.
If authorization is required, then use the supplied invite message.
void(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::add_deny) (PurpleConnection *, const char *name) |
void(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::add_permit) (PurpleConnection *, const char *name) |
void(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::alias_buddy) (PurpleConnection *, const char *who, const char *alias) |
GList *(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::blist_node_menu) (PurpleBlistNode *node) |
Returns a list of PurpleMenuAction structs, which represent extra actions to be shown in (for example) the right-click menu for node.
void(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::buddy_free) (PurpleBuddy *) |
gboolean(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::can_receive_file) (PurpleConnection *, const char *who) |
void(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::change_passwd) (PurpleConnection *, const char *old_pass, const char *new_pass) |
gboolean(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::chat_can_receive_file) (PurpleConnection *, int id) |
Determine whether a chat can receive a file.
gc | the connection on which the room is. |
id | the ID of the chat room. |
GList *(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::chat_info) (PurpleConnection *) |
Returns a list of proto_chat_entry structs, which represent information required by the PRPL to join a chat.
libpurple will call join_chat along with the information filled by the user.
GHashTable *(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::chat_info_defaults) (PurpleConnection *, const char *chat_name) |
Returns a hashtable which maps proto_chat_entry struct identifiers to default options as strings based on chat_name.
The resulting hashtable should be created with g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, NULL, g_free);. Use get_chat_name if you instead need to extract a chat name from a hashtable.
chat_name | The chat name to be turned into components |
void(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::chat_invite) (PurpleConnection *, int id, const char *message, const char *who) |
void(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::chat_leave) (PurpleConnection *, int id) |
int(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::chat_send) (PurpleConnection *, int id, const char *message, PurpleMessageFlags flags) |
Send a message to a chat.
This PRPL function should return a positive value on success. If the message is too big to be sent, return -E2BIG. If the account is not connected, return -ENOTCONN. If the PRPL is unable to send the message for another reason, return some other negative value. You can use one of the valid errno values, or just big something.
id | The id of the chat to send the message to. |
message | The message to send to the chat. |
flags | A bitwise OR of PurpleMessageFlags representing message flags. |
void(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::chat_send_file) (PurpleConnection *, int id, const char *filename) |
void(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::chat_whisper) (PurpleConnection *, int id, const char *who, const char *message) |
void(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::close) (PurpleConnection *) |
void(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::convo_closed) (PurpleConnection *, const char *who) |
PurpleChat *(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::find_blist_chat) (PurpleAccount *account, const char *name) |
GHashTable *(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::get_account_text_table) (PurpleAccount *account) |
This allows protocols to specify additional strings to be used for various purposes.
The idea is to stuff a bunch of strings in this hash table instead of expanding the struct for every addition. This hash table is allocated every call and MUST be unrefed by the caller.
account | The account to specify. This can be NULL. |
GList *(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::get_attention_types) (PurpleAccount *acct) |
char *(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::get_cb_alias) (PurpleConnection *gc, int id, const char *who) |
Get the display alias of a participant in a chat.
gc | the connection on which the room is. |
id | the ID of the chat room. |
who | the nickname of the chat participant. |
void(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::get_cb_away) (PurpleConnection *, int, const char *who) |
void(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::get_cb_info) (PurpleConnection *, int, const char *who) |
char *(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::get_cb_real_name) (PurpleConnection *gc, int id, const char *who) |
Gets the real name of a participant in a chat.
For example, on XMPP this turns a chat room nick foo
into room@server/foo
gc | the connection on which the room is. |
id | the ID of the chat room. |
who | the nickname of the chat participant. |
char *(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::get_chat_name) (GHashTable *components) |
Returns a chat name based on the information in components.
Use chat_info_defaults if you instead need to generate a hashtable from a chat name.
components | A hashtable containing information about the chat. |
void(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::get_info) (PurpleConnection *, const char *who) |
Should arrange for purple_notify_userinfo() to be called with who's user info.
PurpleMediaCaps(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::get_media_caps) (PurpleAccount *account, const char *who) |
PurpleMood *(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::get_moods) (PurpleAccount *account) |
void(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::get_public_alias) (PurpleConnection *gc, PurpleGetPublicAliasSuccessCallback success_cb, PurpleGetPublicAliasFailureCallback failure_cb) |
Retrieve the user's "friendly name" as set on the server.
The protocol plugin should call success_cb or failure_cb asynchronously (even if it knows immediately that the get will fail, call one of the callbacks from an idle/0-second timeout) depending on if the nickname is retrieved.
gc | The connection for which to retireve the alias |
success_cb | Callback to be called with the retrieved alias |
failure_cb | Callback to be called if the prpl is unable to retrieve the alias |
void(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::group_buddy) (PurpleConnection *, const char *who, const char *old_group, const char *new_group) |
PurpleBuddyIconSpec _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::icon_spec |
gboolean(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::initiate_media) (PurpleAccount *account, const char *who, PurpleMediaSessionType type) |
Initiate a media session with the given contact.
account | The account to initiate the media session on. |
who | The remote user to initiate the session with. |
type | The type of media session to initiate. |
void(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::join_chat) (PurpleConnection *, GHashTable *components) |
Called when the user requests joining a chat.
Should arrange for serv_got_joined_chat to be called.
components | A hashtable containing information required to join the chat as described by the entries returned by chat_info. It may also be called when accepting an invitation, in which case this matches the data parameter passed to serv_got_chat_invite. |
void(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::keepalive) (PurpleConnection *) |
If implemented, this will be called regularly for this prpl's active connections.
You'd want to do this if you need to repeatedly send some kind of keepalive packet to the server to avoid being disconnected. ("Regularly" is defined by KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL
in libpurple/connection.c
const char *(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::list_emblem) (PurpleBuddy *buddy) |
const char *(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::list_icon) (PurpleAccount *account, PurpleBuddy *buddy) |
void(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::login) (PurpleAccount *) |
PurpleXfer *(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::new_xfer) (PurpleConnection *, const char *who) |
const char *(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::normalize) (const PurpleAccount *, const char *who) |
gboolean(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::offline_message) (const PurpleBuddy *buddy) |
PurpleProtocolOptions _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::options |
GList* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::protocol_options |
A GList of PurpleAccountOption
void(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::register_user) (PurpleAccount *) |
void(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::reject_chat) (PurpleConnection *, GHashTable *components) |
Called when the user refuses a chat invitation.
components | A hashtable containing information required to join the chat as passed to serv_got_chat_invite. |
void(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::rem_deny) (PurpleConnection *, const char *name) |
void(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::rem_permit) (PurpleConnection *, const char *name) |
void(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::remove_buddies) (PurpleConnection *, GList *buddies, GList *groups) |
void(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::remove_buddy) (PurpleConnection *, PurpleBuddy *buddy, PurpleGroup *group) |
void(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::remove_group) (PurpleConnection *gc, PurpleGroup *group) |
void(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::rename_group) (PurpleConnection *, const char *old_name, PurpleGroup *group, GList *moved_buddies) |
void(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::roomlist_cancel) (PurpleRoomlist *list) |
void(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::roomlist_expand_category) (PurpleRoomlist *list, PurpleRoomlistRoom *category) |
PurpleRoomlist *(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::roomlist_get_list) (PurpleConnection *gc) |
char *(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::roomlist_room_serialize) (PurpleRoomlistRoom *room) |
gboolean(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::send_attention) (PurpleConnection *gc, const char *username, guint type) |
void(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::send_file) (PurpleConnection *, const char *who, const char *filename) |
int(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::send_im) (PurpleConnection *, const char *who, const char *message, PurpleMessageFlags flags) |
This PRPL function should return a positive value on success.
If the message is too big to be sent, return -E2BIG. If the account is not connected, return -ENOTCONN. If the PRPL is unable to send the message for another reason, return some other negative value. You can use one of the valid errno values, or just big something. If the message should not be echoed to the conversation window, return 0.
int(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::send_raw) (PurpleConnection *gc, const char *buf, int len) |
unsigned int(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::send_typing) (PurpleConnection *, const char *name, PurpleTypingState state) |
void(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::set_buddy_icon) (PurpleConnection *, PurpleStoredImage *img) |
Set the buddy icon for the given connection to img.
The prpl does NOT own a reference to img; if it needs one, it must purple_imgstore_ref(img) itself.
void(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::set_chat_topic) (PurpleConnection *gc, int id, const char *topic) |
void(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::set_idle) (PurpleConnection *, int idletime) |
void(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::set_info) (PurpleConnection *, const char *info) |
void(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::set_permit_deny) (PurpleConnection *) |
void(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::set_public_alias) (PurpleConnection *gc, const char *alias, PurpleSetPublicAliasSuccessCallback success_cb, PurpleSetPublicAliasFailureCallback failure_cb) |
Set the user's "friendly name" (or alias or nickname or whatever term you want to call it) on the server.
The protocol plugin should call success_cb or failure_cb asynchronously (if it knows immediately that the set will fail, call one of the callbacks from an idle/0-second timeout) depending on if the nickname is set successfully.
gc | The connection for which to set an alias |
alias | The new server-side alias/nickname for this account, or NULL to unset the alias/nickname (or return it to a protocol-specific "default"). |
success_cb | Callback to be called if the public alias is set |
failure_cb | Callback to be called if setting the public alias fails |
void(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::set_status) (PurpleAccount *account, PurpleStatus *status) |
char *(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::status_text) (PurpleBuddy *buddy) |
GList *(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::status_types) (PurpleAccount *account) |
Returns a list of PurpleStatusType which exist for this account; this must be implemented, and must add at least the offline and online states.
unsigned long _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::struct_size |
void(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::tooltip_text) (PurpleBuddy *buddy, PurpleNotifyUserInfo *user_info, gboolean full) |
void(* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::unregister_user) (PurpleAccount *, PurpleAccountUnregistrationCb cb, void *user_data) |
GList* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::user_splits |
A GList of PurpleAccountUserSplit.
PurpleWhiteboardPrplOps* _PurplePluginProtocolInfo::whiteboard_prpl_ops |