pidgin 2.14.15dev
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status.h File Reference

Status API. More...

#include "account.h"
#include "blist.h"
#include "conversation.h"
#include "value.h"
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Data Structures

struct  _PurpleMood


#define PURPLE_TUNE_ARTIST   "tune_artist"
#define PURPLE_TUNE_TITLE   "tune_title"
#define PURPLE_TUNE_ALBUM   "tune_album"
#define PURPLE_TUNE_GENRE   "tune_genre"
#define PURPLE_TUNE_COMMENT   "tune_comment"
#define PURPLE_TUNE_TRACK   "tune_track"
#define PURPLE_TUNE_TIME   "tune_time"
#define PURPLE_TUNE_YEAR   "tune_year"
#define PURPLE_TUNE_URL   "tune_url"
#define PURPLE_TUNE_FULL   "tune_full"
#define PURPLE_MOOD_NAME   "mood"
#define PURPLE_MOOD_COMMENT   "moodtext"


typedef struct _PurpleStatusType PurpleStatusType
 PurpleStatusType's are created by each PRPL.
typedef struct _PurpleStatusAttr PurpleStatusAttr
typedef struct _PurplePresence PurplePresence
typedef struct _PurpleStatus PurpleStatus
typedef struct _PurpleMood PurpleMood


 A context for a presence. More...
enum  PurpleStatusPrimitive {
 A primitive defining the basic structure of a status type. More...


PurpleStatusPrimitive API <br>
const char * purple_primitive_get_id_from_type (PurpleStatusPrimitive type)
 Lookup the id of a primitive status type based on the type.
const char * purple_primitive_get_name_from_type (PurpleStatusPrimitive type)
 Lookup the name of a primitive status type based on the type.
PurpleStatusPrimitive purple_primitive_get_type_from_id (const char *id)
 Lookup the value of a primitive status type based on the id.
PurpleStatusType API <br>
PurpleStatusTypepurple_status_type_new_full (PurpleStatusPrimitive primitive, const char *id, const char *name, gboolean saveable, gboolean user_settable, gboolean independent)
 Creates a new status type.
PurpleStatusTypepurple_status_type_new (PurpleStatusPrimitive primitive, const char *id, const char *name, gboolean user_settable)
 Creates a new status type with some default values ( saveable and not independent).
PurpleStatusTypepurple_status_type_new_with_attrs (PurpleStatusPrimitive primitive, const char *id, const char *name, gboolean saveable, gboolean user_settable, gboolean independent, const char *attr_id, const char *attr_name, PurpleValue *attr_value,...) G_GNUC_NULL_TERMINATED
 Creates a new status type with attributes.
void purple_status_type_destroy (PurpleStatusType *status_type)
 Destroys a status type.
void purple_status_type_set_primary_attr (PurpleStatusType *status_type, const char *attr_id)
 Sets a status type's primary attribute.
void purple_status_type_add_attr (PurpleStatusType *status_type, const char *id, const char *name, PurpleValue *value)
 Adds an attribute to a status type.
void purple_status_type_add_attrs (PurpleStatusType *status_type, const char *id, const char *name, PurpleValue *value,...) G_GNUC_NULL_TERMINATED
 Adds multiple attributes to a status type.
void purple_status_type_add_attrs_vargs (PurpleStatusType *status_type, va_list args)
 Adds multiple attributes to a status type using a va_list.
PurpleStatusPrimitive purple_status_type_get_primitive (const PurpleStatusType *status_type)
 Returns the primitive type of a status type.
const char * purple_status_type_get_id (const PurpleStatusType *status_type)
 Returns the ID of a status type.
const char * purple_status_type_get_name (const PurpleStatusType *status_type)
 Returns the name of a status type.
gboolean purple_status_type_is_saveable (const PurpleStatusType *status_type)
 Returns whether or not the status type is saveable.
gboolean purple_status_type_is_user_settable (const PurpleStatusType *status_type)
 Returns whether or not the status type can be set or modified by the user.
gboolean purple_status_type_is_independent (const PurpleStatusType *status_type)
 Returns whether or not the status type is independent.
gboolean purple_status_type_is_exclusive (const PurpleStatusType *status_type)
 Returns whether the status type is exclusive.
gboolean purple_status_type_is_available (const PurpleStatusType *status_type)
 Returns whether or not a status type is available.
const char * purple_status_type_get_primary_attr (const PurpleStatusType *type)
 Returns a status type's primary attribute ID.
PurpleStatusAttr * purple_status_type_get_attr (const PurpleStatusType *status_type, const char *id)
 Returns the attribute with the specified ID.
GList * purple_status_type_get_attrs (const PurpleStatusType *status_type)
 Returns a list of all attributes in a status type.
const PurpleStatusTypepurple_status_type_find_with_id (GList *status_types, const char *id)
 Find the PurpleStatusType with the given id.
PurpleStatusAttr API <br>
PurpleStatusAttr * purple_status_attr_new (const char *id, const char *name, PurpleValue *value_type)
 Creates a new status attribute.
void purple_status_attr_destroy (PurpleStatusAttr *attr)
 Destroys a status attribute.
const char * purple_status_attr_get_id (const PurpleStatusAttr *attr)
 Returns the ID of a status attribute.
const char * purple_status_attr_get_name (const PurpleStatusAttr *attr)
 Returns the name of a status attribute.
PurpleValuepurple_status_attr_get_value (const PurpleStatusAttr *attr)
 Returns the value of a status attribute.
PurpleStatus API <br>
PurpleStatus * purple_status_new (PurpleStatusType *status_type, PurplePresence *presence)
 Creates a new status.
void purple_status_destroy (PurpleStatus *status)
 Destroys a status.
void purple_status_set_active (PurpleStatus *status, gboolean active)
 Sets whether or not a status is active.
void purple_status_set_active_with_attrs (PurpleStatus *status, gboolean active, va_list args)
 Sets whether or not a status is active.
void purple_status_set_active_with_attrs_list (PurpleStatus *status, gboolean active, GList *attrs)
 Sets whether or not a status is active.
void purple_status_set_attr_boolean (PurpleStatus *status, const char *id, gboolean value)
 Sets the boolean value of an attribute in a status with the specified ID.
void purple_status_set_attr_int (PurpleStatus *status, const char *id, int value)
 Sets the integer value of an attribute in a status with the specified ID.
void purple_status_set_attr_string (PurpleStatus *status, const char *id, const char *value)
 Sets the string value of an attribute in a status with the specified ID.
PurpleStatusTypepurple_status_get_type (const PurpleStatus *status)
 Returns the status's type.
PurplePresence * purple_status_get_presence (const PurpleStatus *status)
 Returns the status's presence.
const char * purple_status_get_id (const PurpleStatus *status)
 Returns the status's type ID.
const char * purple_status_get_name (const PurpleStatus *status)
 Returns the status's name.
gboolean purple_status_is_independent (const PurpleStatus *status)
 Returns whether or not a status is independent.
gboolean purple_status_is_exclusive (const PurpleStatus *status)
 Returns whether or not a status is exclusive.
gboolean purple_status_is_available (const PurpleStatus *status)
 Returns whether or not a status is available.
gboolean purple_status_is_active (const PurpleStatus *status)
 Returns the active state of a status.
gboolean purple_status_is_online (const PurpleStatus *status)
 Returns whether or not a status is considered 'online'.
PurpleValuepurple_status_get_attr_value (const PurpleStatus *status, const char *id)
 Returns the value of an attribute in a status with the specified ID.
gboolean purple_status_get_attr_boolean (const PurpleStatus *status, const char *id)
 Returns the boolean value of an attribute in a status with the specified ID.
int purple_status_get_attr_int (const PurpleStatus *status, const char *id)
 Returns the integer value of an attribute in a status with the specified ID.
const char * purple_status_get_attr_string (const PurpleStatus *status, const char *id)
 Returns the string value of an attribute in a status with the specified ID.
gint purple_status_compare (const PurpleStatus *status1, const PurpleStatus *status2)
 Compares two statuses for availability.
PurplePresence API <br>
PurplePresence * purple_presence_new (PurplePresenceContext context)
 Creates a new presence.
PurplePresence * purple_presence_new_for_account (PurpleAccount *account)
 Creates a presence for an account.
PurplePresence * purple_presence_new_for_conv (PurpleConversation *conv)
 Creates a presence for a conversation.
PurplePresence * purple_presence_new_for_buddy (PurpleBuddy *buddy)
 Creates a presence for a buddy.
void purple_presence_destroy (PurplePresence *presence)
 Destroys a presence.
void purple_presence_add_status (PurplePresence *presence, PurpleStatus *status)
 Adds a status to a presence.
void purple_presence_add_list (PurplePresence *presence, GList *source_list)
 Adds a list of statuses to the presence.
void purple_presence_set_status_active (PurplePresence *presence, const char *status_id, gboolean active)
 Sets the active state of a status in a presence.
void purple_presence_switch_status (PurplePresence *presence, const char *status_id)
 Switches the active status in a presence.
void purple_presence_set_idle (PurplePresence *presence, gboolean idle, time_t idle_time)
 Sets the idle state and time on a presence.
void purple_presence_set_login_time (PurplePresence *presence, time_t login_time)
 Sets the login time on a presence.
PurplePresenceContext purple_presence_get_context (const PurplePresence *presence)
 Returns the presence's context.
PurpleAccountpurple_presence_get_account (const PurplePresence *presence)
 Returns a presence's account.
PurpleConversationpurple_presence_get_conversation (const PurplePresence *presence)
 Returns a presence's conversation.
const char * purple_presence_get_chat_user (const PurplePresence *presence)
 Returns a presence's chat user.
PurpleBuddypurple_presence_get_buddy (const PurplePresence *presence)
 Returns the presence's buddy.
GList * purple_presence_get_statuses (const PurplePresence *presence)
 Returns all the statuses in a presence.
PurpleStatus * purple_presence_get_status (const PurplePresence *presence, const char *status_id)
 Returns the status with the specified ID from a presence.
PurpleStatus * purple_presence_get_active_status (const PurplePresence *presence)
 Returns the active exclusive status from a presence.
gboolean purple_presence_is_available (const PurplePresence *presence)
 Returns whether or not a presence is available.
gboolean purple_presence_is_online (const PurplePresence *presence)
 Returns whether or not a presence is online.
gboolean purple_presence_is_status_active (const PurplePresence *presence, const char *status_id)
 Returns whether or not a status in a presence is active.
gboolean purple_presence_is_status_primitive_active (const PurplePresence *presence, PurpleStatusPrimitive primitive)
 Returns whether or not a status with the specified primitive type in a presence is active.
gboolean purple_presence_is_idle (const PurplePresence *presence)
 Returns whether or not a presence is idle.
time_t purple_presence_get_idle_time (const PurplePresence *presence)
 Returns the presence's idle time.
time_t purple_presence_get_login_time (const PurplePresence *presence)
 Returns the presence's login time.
gint purple_presence_compare (const PurplePresence *presence1, const PurplePresence *presence2)
 Compares two presences for availability.
Status subsystem <br>
void * purple_status_get_handle (void)
 Get the handle for the status subsystem.
void purple_status_init (void)
 Initializes the status subsystem.
void purple_status_uninit (void)
 Uninitializes the status subsystem.

Detailed Description

Status API.

A brief explanation of the status API:

PurpleStatusType's are created by each PRPL. They outline the available statuses of the protocol. AIM, for example, supports an available state with an optional available message, an away state with a mandatory message, and an invisible state (which is technically "independent" of the other two, but we'll get into that later). PurpleStatusTypes are very permanent. They are hardcoded in each PRPL and will not change often. And because they are hardcoded, they do not need to be saved to any XML file.

A PurpleStatus can be thought of as an "instance" of a PurpleStatusType. If you're familiar with object-oriented programming languages then this should be immediately clear. Say, for example, that one of your AIM buddies has set himself as "away." You have a PurpleBuddy node for this person in your buddy list. Purple wants to mark this buddy as "away," so it creates a new PurpleStatus. The PurpleStatus has its PurpleStatusType set to the "away" state for the oscar PRPL. The PurpleStatus also contains the buddy's away message. PurpleStatuses are sometimes saved, depending on the context. The current PurpleStatuses associated with each of your accounts are saved so that the next time you start Purple, your accounts will be set to their last known statuses. There is also a list of saved statuses that are written to the status.xml file. Also, each PurpleStatus has a "saveable" boolean. If "saveable" is set to FALSE then the status is NEVER saved. All PurpleStatuses should be inside a PurplePresence.

A PurpleStatus is either "independent" or "exclusive." Independent statuses can be active or inactive and they don't affect anything else. However, you can only have one exclusive status per PurplePresence. If you activate one exclusive status, then the previous exclusive status is automatically deactivated.

A PurplePresence is like a collection of PurpleStatuses (plus some other random info). For any buddy, or for any one of your accounts, or for any person with which you're chatting, you may know various amounts of information. This information is all contained in one PurplePresence. If one of your buddies is away and idle, then the presence contains the PurpleStatus for their awayness, and it contains their current idle time. PurplePresences are never saved to disk. The information they contain is only relevant for the current PurpleSession.

Definition in file status.h.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define PURPLE_MOOD_COMMENT   "moodtext"

Definition at line 149 of file status.h.


#define PURPLE_MOOD_NAME   "mood"

Definition at line 148 of file status.h.


#define PURPLE_TUNE_ALBUM   "tune_album"

Definition at line 139 of file status.h.


#define PURPLE_TUNE_ARTIST   "tune_artist"

Definition at line 137 of file status.h.


#define PURPLE_TUNE_COMMENT   "tune_comment"

Definition at line 141 of file status.h.


#define PURPLE_TUNE_FULL   "tune_full"

Definition at line 146 of file status.h.


#define PURPLE_TUNE_GENRE   "tune_genre"

Definition at line 140 of file status.h.


#define PURPLE_TUNE_TIME   "tune_time"

Definition at line 143 of file status.h.


#define PURPLE_TUNE_TITLE   "tune_title"

Definition at line 138 of file status.h.


#define PURPLE_TUNE_TRACK   "tune_track"

Definition at line 142 of file status.h.


#define PURPLE_TUNE_URL   "tune_url"

Definition at line 145 of file status.h.


#define PURPLE_TUNE_YEAR   "tune_year"

Definition at line 144 of file status.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ PurplePresence

typedef struct _PurplePresence PurplePresence

Definition at line 87 of file status.h.

◆ PurpleStatus

typedef struct _PurpleStatus PurpleStatus

Definition at line 88 of file status.h.

◆ PurpleStatusAttr

typedef struct _PurpleStatusAttr PurpleStatusAttr

Definition at line 86 of file status.h.

◆ PurpleStatusType

typedef struct _PurpleStatusType PurpleStatusType

PurpleStatusType's are created by each PRPL.

They outline the available statuses of the protocol. AIM, for example, supports an available state with an optional available message, an away state with a mandatory message, and an invisible state (which is technically "independent" of the other two, but we'll get into that later). PurpleStatusTypes are very permanent. They are hardcoded in each PRPL and will not change often. And because they are hardcoded, they do not need to be saved to any XML file.

Definition at line 85 of file status.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ PurplePresenceContext

A context for a presence.

The context indicates to what the presence applies.

Definition at line 101 of file status.h.

◆ PurpleStatusPrimitive

A primitive defining the basic structure of a status type.

Definition at line 117 of file status.h.

Function Documentation

◆ purple_presence_add_list()

void purple_presence_add_list ( PurplePresence *  presence,
GList *  source_list 

Adds a list of statuses to the presence.

presenceThe presence.
source_listThe source list of statuses to add, which is not modified or freed by this function.
This function isn't used and should be removed in 3.0.0.

◆ purple_presence_add_status()

void purple_presence_add_status ( PurplePresence *  presence,
PurpleStatus *  status 

Adds a status to a presence.

presenceThe presence.
statusThe status to add.
This function is only used by purple_presence_add_list, and both should be removed in 3.0.0.

◆ purple_presence_compare()

gint purple_presence_compare ( const PurplePresence *  presence1,
const PurplePresence *  presence2 

Compares two presences for availability.

presence1The first presence.
presence2The second presence.
-1 if presence1 is more available than presence2. 0 if presence1 is equal to presence2. 1 if presence1 is less available than presence2.

◆ purple_presence_destroy()

void purple_presence_destroy ( PurplePresence *  presence)

Destroys a presence.

All statuses added to this list will be destroyed along with the presence.

presenceThe presence to destroy.

◆ purple_presence_get_account()

PurpleAccount * purple_presence_get_account ( const PurplePresence *  presence)

Returns a presence's account.

presenceThe presence.
The presence's account.

◆ purple_presence_get_active_status()

PurpleStatus * purple_presence_get_active_status ( const PurplePresence *  presence)

Returns the active exclusive status from a presence.

presenceThe presence.
The active exclusive status.

◆ purple_presence_get_buddy()

PurpleBuddy * purple_presence_get_buddy ( const PurplePresence *  presence)

Returns the presence's buddy.

presenceThe presence.
The presence's buddy.

◆ purple_presence_get_chat_user()

const char * purple_presence_get_chat_user ( const PurplePresence *  presence)

Returns a presence's chat user.

presenceThe presence.
The chat's user.

◆ purple_presence_get_context()

PurplePresenceContext purple_presence_get_context ( const PurplePresence *  presence)

Returns the presence's context.

presenceThe presence.
The presence's context.

◆ purple_presence_get_conversation()

PurpleConversation * purple_presence_get_conversation ( const PurplePresence *  presence)

Returns a presence's conversation.

presenceThe presence.
The presence's conversation.

◆ purple_presence_get_idle_time()

time_t purple_presence_get_idle_time ( const PurplePresence *  presence)

Returns the presence's idle time.

presenceThe presence.
The presence's idle time.

◆ purple_presence_get_login_time()

time_t purple_presence_get_login_time ( const PurplePresence *  presence)

Returns the presence's login time.

presenceThe presence.
The presence's login time.

◆ purple_presence_get_status()

PurpleStatus * purple_presence_get_status ( const PurplePresence *  presence,
const char *  status_id 

Returns the status with the specified ID from a presence.

presenceThe presence.
status_idThe ID of the status.
The status if found, or NULL.

◆ purple_presence_get_statuses()

GList * purple_presence_get_statuses ( const PurplePresence *  presence)

Returns all the statuses in a presence.

presenceThe presence.
The return value of this function must not be modified or freed.
The statuses.

◆ purple_presence_is_available()

gboolean purple_presence_is_available ( const PurplePresence *  presence)

Returns whether or not a presence is available.

Available presences are online and possibly invisible, but not away or idle.

presenceThe presence.
TRUE if the presence is available, or FALSE otherwise.

◆ purple_presence_is_idle()

gboolean purple_presence_is_idle ( const PurplePresence *  presence)

Returns whether or not a presence is idle.

presenceThe presence.
TRUE if the presence is idle, or FALSE otherwise. If the presence is offline (purple_presence_is_online() returns FALSE) then FALSE is returned.

◆ purple_presence_is_online()

gboolean purple_presence_is_online ( const PurplePresence *  presence)

Returns whether or not a presence is online.

presenceThe presence.
TRUE if the presence is online, or FALSE otherwise.

◆ purple_presence_is_status_active()

gboolean purple_presence_is_status_active ( const PurplePresence *  presence,
const char *  status_id 

Returns whether or not a status in a presence is active.

A status is active if itself or any of its sub-statuses are active.

presenceThe presence.
status_idThe ID of the status.
TRUE if the status is active, or FALSE.

◆ purple_presence_is_status_primitive_active()

gboolean purple_presence_is_status_primitive_active ( const PurplePresence *  presence,
PurpleStatusPrimitive  primitive 

Returns whether or not a status with the specified primitive type in a presence is active.

A status is active if itself or any of its sub-statuses are active.

presenceThe presence.
primitiveThe status primitive.
TRUE if the status is active, or FALSE.

◆ purple_presence_new()

PurplePresence * purple_presence_new ( PurplePresenceContext  context)

Creates a new presence.

contextThe presence context.
A new presence.

◆ purple_presence_new_for_account()

PurplePresence * purple_presence_new_for_account ( PurpleAccount account)

Creates a presence for an account.

accountThe account.
The new presence.

◆ purple_presence_new_for_buddy()

PurplePresence * purple_presence_new_for_buddy ( PurpleBuddy buddy)

Creates a presence for a buddy.

buddyThe buddy.
The new presence.

◆ purple_presence_new_for_conv()

PurplePresence * purple_presence_new_for_conv ( PurpleConversation conv)

Creates a presence for a conversation.

convThe conversation.
The new presence.

◆ purple_presence_set_idle()

void purple_presence_set_idle ( PurplePresence *  presence,
gboolean  idle,
time_t  idle_time 

Sets the idle state and time on a presence.

presenceThe presence.
idleThe idle state.
idle_timeThe idle time, if idle is TRUE. This is the time at which the user became idle, in seconds since the epoch. If this value is unknown then 0 should be used.

◆ purple_presence_set_login_time()

void purple_presence_set_login_time ( PurplePresence *  presence,
time_t  login_time 

Sets the login time on a presence.

presenceThe presence.
login_timeThe login time.

◆ purple_presence_set_status_active()

void purple_presence_set_status_active ( PurplePresence *  presence,
const char *  status_id,
gboolean  active 

Sets the active state of a status in a presence.

Only independent statuses can be set unactive. Normal statuses can only be set active, so if you wish to disable a status, set another non-independent status to active, or use purple_presence_switch_status().

presenceThe presence.
status_idThe ID of the status.
activeThe active state.

◆ purple_presence_switch_status()

void purple_presence_switch_status ( PurplePresence *  presence,
const char *  status_id 

Switches the active status in a presence.

This is similar to purple_presence_set_status_active(), except it won't activate independent statuses.

presenceThe presence.
status_idThe status ID to switch to.

◆ purple_primitive_get_id_from_type()

const char * purple_primitive_get_id_from_type ( PurpleStatusPrimitive  type)

Lookup the id of a primitive status type based on the type.

This ID is a unique plain-text name of the status, without spaces.

typeA primitive status type.
The unique ID for this type.

◆ purple_primitive_get_name_from_type()

const char * purple_primitive_get_name_from_type ( PurpleStatusPrimitive  type)

Lookup the name of a primitive status type based on the type.

This name is the plain-English name of the status type. It is usually one or two words.

typeA primitive status type.
The name of this type, suitable for users to see.

◆ purple_primitive_get_type_from_id()

PurpleStatusPrimitive purple_primitive_get_type_from_id ( const char *  id)

Lookup the value of a primitive status type based on the id.

The ID is a unique plain-text name of the status, without spaces.

idThe unique ID of a primitive status type.
The PurpleStatusPrimitive value.

◆ purple_status_attr_destroy()

void purple_status_attr_destroy ( PurpleStatusAttr *  attr)

Destroys a status attribute.

attrThe status attribute to destroy.

◆ purple_status_attr_get_id()

const char * purple_status_attr_get_id ( const PurpleStatusAttr *  attr)

Returns the ID of a status attribute.

attrThe status attribute.
The status attribute's ID.

◆ purple_status_attr_get_name()

const char * purple_status_attr_get_name ( const PurpleStatusAttr *  attr)

Returns the name of a status attribute.

attrThe status attribute.
The status attribute's name.

◆ purple_status_attr_get_value()

PurpleValue * purple_status_attr_get_value ( const PurpleStatusAttr *  attr)

Returns the value of a status attribute.

attrThe status attribute.
The status attribute's value.

◆ purple_status_attr_new()

PurpleStatusAttr * purple_status_attr_new ( const char *  id,
const char *  name,
PurpleValue value_type 

Creates a new status attribute.

idThe ID of the attribute.
nameThe name presented to the user.
value_typeThe type of data contained in the attribute.
A new status attribute.

◆ purple_status_compare()

gint purple_status_compare ( const PurpleStatus *  status1,
const PurpleStatus *  status2 

Compares two statuses for availability.

status1The first status.
status2The second status.
-1 if status1 is more available than status2. 0 if status1 is equal to status2. 1 if status2 is more available than status1.

◆ purple_status_destroy()

void purple_status_destroy ( PurpleStatus *  status)

Destroys a status.

statusThe status to destroy.

◆ purple_status_get_attr_boolean()

gboolean purple_status_get_attr_boolean ( const PurpleStatus *  status,
const char *  id 

Returns the boolean value of an attribute in a status with the specified ID.

statusThe status.
idThe attribute ID.
The boolean value of the attribute.

◆ purple_status_get_attr_int()

int purple_status_get_attr_int ( const PurpleStatus *  status,
const char *  id 

Returns the integer value of an attribute in a status with the specified ID.

statusThe status.
idThe attribute ID.
The integer value of the attribute.

◆ purple_status_get_attr_string()

const char * purple_status_get_attr_string ( const PurpleStatus *  status,
const char *  id 

Returns the string value of an attribute in a status with the specified ID.

statusThe status.
idThe attribute ID.
The string value of the attribute.

◆ purple_status_get_attr_value()

PurpleValue * purple_status_get_attr_value ( const PurpleStatus *  status,
const char *  id 

Returns the value of an attribute in a status with the specified ID.

statusThe status.
idThe attribute ID.
The value of the attribute.

◆ purple_status_get_handle()

void * purple_status_get_handle ( void  )

Get the handle for the status subsystem.

the handle to the status subsystem

◆ purple_status_get_id()

const char * purple_status_get_id ( const PurpleStatus *  status)

Returns the status's type ID.

This is a convenience method for purple_status_type_get_id(purple_status_get_type(status)).

statusThe status.
The status's ID.

◆ purple_status_get_name()

const char * purple_status_get_name ( const PurpleStatus *  status)

Returns the status's name.

This is a convenience method for purple_status_type_get_name(purple_status_get_type(status)).

statusThe status.
The status's name.

◆ purple_status_get_presence()

PurplePresence * purple_status_get_presence ( const PurpleStatus *  status)

Returns the status's presence.

statusThe status.
The status's presence.

◆ purple_status_get_type()

PurpleStatusType * purple_status_get_type ( const PurpleStatus *  status)

Returns the status's type.

statusThe status.
The status's type.

◆ purple_status_is_active()

gboolean purple_status_is_active ( const PurpleStatus *  status)

Returns the active state of a status.

statusThe status.
The active state of the status.

◆ purple_status_is_available()

gboolean purple_status_is_available ( const PurpleStatus *  status)

Returns whether or not a status is available.

Available statuses are online and possibly invisible, but not away or idle.

This is a convenience method for purple_status_type_is_available(purple_status_get_type(status)).

statusThe status.
TRUE if the status is available, or FALSE otherwise.

◆ purple_status_is_exclusive()

gboolean purple_status_is_exclusive ( const PurpleStatus *  status)

Returns whether or not a status is exclusive.

This is a convenience method for purple_status_type_is_exclusive(purple_status_get_type(status)).

statusThe status.
TRUE if the status is exclusive, FALSE otherwise.

◆ purple_status_is_independent()

gboolean purple_status_is_independent ( const PurpleStatus *  status)

Returns whether or not a status is independent.

This is a convenience method for purple_status_type_is_independent(purple_status_get_type(status)).

statusThe status.
TRUE if the status is independent, or FALSE otherwise.

◆ purple_status_is_online()

gboolean purple_status_is_online ( const PurpleStatus *  status)

Returns whether or not a status is considered 'online'.

statusThe status.
TRUE if the status is considered online, FALSE otherwise

◆ purple_status_new()

PurpleStatus * purple_status_new ( PurpleStatusType status_type,
PurplePresence *  presence 

Creates a new status.

status_typeThe type of status.
presenceThe parent presence.
The new status.

◆ purple_status_set_active()

void purple_status_set_active ( PurpleStatus *  status,
gboolean  active 

Sets whether or not a status is active.

This should only be called by the account, conversation, and buddy APIs.

statusThe status.
activeThe active state.

◆ purple_status_set_active_with_attrs()

void purple_status_set_active_with_attrs ( PurpleStatus *  status,
gboolean  active,
va_list  args 

Sets whether or not a status is active.

This should only be called by the account, conversation, and buddy APIs.

statusThe status.
activeThe active state.
argsA list of attributes to set on the status. This list is composed of key/value pairs, where each key is a valid attribute name for this PurpleStatusType. The list should be NULL terminated.

◆ purple_status_set_active_with_attrs_list()

void purple_status_set_active_with_attrs_list ( PurpleStatus *  status,
gboolean  active,
GList *  attrs 

Sets whether or not a status is active.

This should only be called by the account, conversation, and buddy APIs.

statusThe status.
activeThe active state.
attrsA list of attributes to set on the status. This list is composed of key/value pairs, where each key is a valid attribute name for this PurpleStatusType. The list is not modified or freed by this function.

◆ purple_status_set_attr_boolean()

void purple_status_set_attr_boolean ( PurpleStatus *  status,
const char *  id,
gboolean  value 

Sets the boolean value of an attribute in a status with the specified ID.

statusThe status.
idThe attribute ID.
valueThe boolean value.
This function is only used by status.c and should be made static in 3.0.0.

◆ purple_status_set_attr_int()

void purple_status_set_attr_int ( PurpleStatus *  status,
const char *  id,
int  value 

Sets the integer value of an attribute in a status with the specified ID.

statusThe status.
idThe attribute ID.
valueThe integer value.
This function is only used by status.c and should be made static in 3.0.0.

◆ purple_status_set_attr_string()

void purple_status_set_attr_string ( PurpleStatus *  status,
const char *  id,
const char *  value 

Sets the string value of an attribute in a status with the specified ID.

statusThe status.
idThe attribute ID.
valueThe string value.
This function is only used by status.c and should be made static in 3.0.0.

◆ purple_status_type_add_attr()

void purple_status_type_add_attr ( PurpleStatusType status_type,
const char *  id,
const char *  name,
PurpleValue value 

Adds an attribute to a status type.

status_typeThe status type to add the attribute to.
idThe ID of the attribute.
nameThe name presented to the user.
valueThe value type of this attribute.
This function isn't needed and should be removed in 3.0.0. Status type attributes should be set when the status type is created, in the call to purple_status_type_new_with_attrs.

◆ purple_status_type_add_attrs()

void purple_status_type_add_attrs ( PurpleStatusType status_type,
const char *  id,
const char *  name,
PurpleValue value,

Adds multiple attributes to a status type.

status_typeThe status type to add the attribute to.
idThe ID of the first attribute.
nameThe description of the first attribute.
valueThe value type of the first attribute attribute.
...Additional attribute information.
This function isn't needed and should be removed in 3.0.0. Status type attributes should be set when the status type is created, in the call to purple_status_type_new_with_attrs.

◆ purple_status_type_add_attrs_vargs()

void purple_status_type_add_attrs_vargs ( PurpleStatusType status_type,
va_list  args 

Adds multiple attributes to a status type using a va_list.

status_typeThe status type to add the attribute to.
argsThe va_list of attributes.
This function isn't needed and should be removed in 3.0.0. Status type attributes should be set when the status type is created, in the call to purple_status_type_new_with_attrs.

◆ purple_status_type_destroy()

void purple_status_type_destroy ( PurpleStatusType status_type)

Destroys a status type.

status_typeThe status type to destroy.

◆ purple_status_type_find_with_id()

const PurpleStatusType * purple_status_type_find_with_id ( GList *  status_types,
const char *  id 

Find the PurpleStatusType with the given id.

status_typesA list of status types. Often account->status_types.
idThe unique ID of the status type you wish to find.
The status type with the given ID, or NULL if one could not be found.

◆ purple_status_type_get_attr()

PurpleStatusAttr * purple_status_type_get_attr ( const PurpleStatusType status_type,
const char *  id 

Returns the attribute with the specified ID.

status_typeThe status type containing the attribute.
idThe ID of the desired attribute.
The attribute, if found. NULL otherwise.

◆ purple_status_type_get_attrs()

GList * purple_status_type_get_attrs ( const PurpleStatusType status_type)

Returns a list of all attributes in a status type.

status_typeThe status type.
The return value of this function must not be modified or freed.
The list of attributes.

◆ purple_status_type_get_id()

const char * purple_status_type_get_id ( const PurpleStatusType status_type)

Returns the ID of a status type.

status_typeThe status type.
The ID of the status type.

◆ purple_status_type_get_name()

const char * purple_status_type_get_name ( const PurpleStatusType status_type)

Returns the name of a status type.

status_typeThe status type.
The name of the status type.

◆ purple_status_type_get_primary_attr()

const char * purple_status_type_get_primary_attr ( const PurpleStatusType type)

Returns a status type's primary attribute ID.

typeThe status type.
The primary attribute's ID.
This function isn't used and should be removed in 3.0.0.

◆ purple_status_type_get_primitive()

PurpleStatusPrimitive purple_status_type_get_primitive ( const PurpleStatusType status_type)

Returns the primitive type of a status type.

status_typeThe status type.
The primitive type of the status type.

◆ purple_status_type_is_available()

gboolean purple_status_type_is_available ( const PurpleStatusType status_type)

Returns whether or not a status type is available.

Available status types are online and possibly invisible, but not away.

status_typeThe status type.
TRUE if the status is available, or FALSE otherwise.

◆ purple_status_type_is_exclusive()

gboolean purple_status_type_is_exclusive ( const PurpleStatusType status_type)

Returns whether the status type is exclusive.

status_typeThe status type.
TRUE if the status type is exclusive, FALSE otherwise.

◆ purple_status_type_is_independent()

gboolean purple_status_type_is_independent ( const PurpleStatusType status_type)

Returns whether or not the status type is independent.

Independent status types are non-exclusive. If other status types on the same hierarchy level are set, this one will not be affected.

status_typeThe status type.
TRUE if the status type is independent, or FALSE otherwise.

◆ purple_status_type_is_saveable()

gboolean purple_status_type_is_saveable ( const PurpleStatusType status_type)

Returns whether or not the status type is saveable.

status_typeThe status type.
TRUE if user-defined statuses based off this type are saveable. FALSE otherwise.

◆ purple_status_type_is_user_settable()

gboolean purple_status_type_is_user_settable ( const PurpleStatusType status_type)

Returns whether or not the status type can be set or modified by the user.

status_typeThe status type.
TRUE if the status type can be set or modified by the user. FALSE if it's a protocol-set setting.

◆ purple_status_type_new()

PurpleStatusType * purple_status_type_new ( PurpleStatusPrimitive  primitive,
const char *  id,
const char *  name,
gboolean  user_settable 

Creates a new status type with some default values ( saveable and not independent).

primitiveThe primitive status type.
idThe ID of the status type, or NULL to use the id of the primitive status type.
nameThe name presented to the user, or NULL to use the name of the primitive status type.
user_settableTRUE if this is a status the user can manually set.
A new status type.

◆ purple_status_type_new_full()

PurpleStatusType * purple_status_type_new_full ( PurpleStatusPrimitive  primitive,
const char *  id,
const char *  name,
gboolean  saveable,
gboolean  user_settable,
gboolean  independent 

Creates a new status type.

primitiveThe primitive status type.
idThe ID of the status type, or NULL to use the id of the primitive status type.
nameThe name presented to the user, or NULL to use the name of the primitive status type.
saveableTRUE if the information set for this status by the user can be saved for future sessions.
user_settableTRUE if this is a status the user can manually set.
independentTRUE if this is an independent (non-exclusive) status type.
A new status type.

◆ purple_status_type_new_with_attrs()

PurpleStatusType * purple_status_type_new_with_attrs ( PurpleStatusPrimitive  primitive,
const char *  id,
const char *  name,
gboolean  saveable,
gboolean  user_settable,
gboolean  independent,
const char *  attr_id,
const char *  attr_name,
PurpleValue attr_value,

Creates a new status type with attributes.

primitiveThe primitive status type.
idThe ID of the status type, or NULL to use the id of the primitive status type.
nameThe name presented to the user, or NULL to use the name of the primitive status type.
saveableTRUE if the information set for this status by the user can be saved for future sessions.
user_settableTRUE if this is a status the user can manually set.
independentTRUE if this is an independent (non-exclusive) status type.
attr_idThe ID of the first attribute.
attr_nameThe name of the first attribute.
attr_valueThe value type of the first attribute attribute.
...Additional attribute information.
A new status type.

◆ purple_status_type_set_primary_attr()

void purple_status_type_set_primary_attr ( PurpleStatusType status_type,
const char *  attr_id 

Sets a status type's primary attribute.

The value for the primary attribute is used as the description for the particular status type. An example is an away message. The message would be the primary attribute.

status_typeThe status type.
attr_idThe ID of the primary attribute.
This function isn't used and should be removed in 3.0.0.