

since: 3.0

Declaration [src]

purple_request_field_is_valid (
  PurpleRequestField* field,
  gchar** errmsg

Description [src]

Checks, if specified field is valid.

If detailed message about failure reason is needed, there is an option to return (via errmsg argument) pointer to newly allocated error message. It must be freed with g_free after use.

Note: Required, but unfilled, fields are invalid.

Available since: 3.0



Type: gchar**

If non-NULL, the memory area, where the validation failure message will be returned.

The argument will be set by the function.
The argument can be set to NULL by the method.
The argument can be NULL.
The instance takes ownership of the data, and is responsible for freeing it.
The value is a NUL terminated UTF-8 string.

Return value

Type: gboolean

TRUE, if the field is valid, FALSE otherwise.