59typedef struct _PurpleSavedStatusSub PurpleSavedStatusSub;
113 const char *message);
127 const char *message);
time_t purple_savedstatus_get_creation_time(const PurpleSavedStatus *saved_status)
Return the time in seconds-since-the-epoch when this saved status was created.
PurpleSavedStatus * purple_savedstatus_find_by_creation_time(time_t creation_time)
Finds a saved status with the specified creation time.
void purple_savedstatus_set_message(PurpleSavedStatus *status, const char *message)
Set the message for the given saved status.
gboolean purple_savedstatus_delete(const char *title)
Delete a saved status.
PurpleSavedStatusSub * purple_savedstatus_get_substatus(const PurpleSavedStatus *saved_status, const PurpleAccount *account)
Get the substatus for an account in a saved status.
PurpleSavedStatus * purple_savedstatus_get_idleaway(void)
Returns the saved status that is used when your accounts become idle-away.
struct _PurpleSavedStatus PurpleSavedStatus
Saved statuses don't really interact much with the rest of Purple.
void purple_savedstatuses_uninit(void)
Uninitializes the status subsystem.
PurpleStatusPrimitive purple_savedstatus_get_type(const PurpleSavedStatus *saved_status)
Return the type of a given saved status.
GList * purple_savedstatuses_get_popular(unsigned int how_many)
Returns the n most popular saved statuses.
gboolean purple_savedstatus_is_idleaway(void)
Return TRUE if we are currently idle-away.
void purple_savedstatus_unset_substatus(PurpleSavedStatus *saved_status, const PurpleAccount *account)
Unset a substatus for an account in a saved status.
void purple_savedstatus_set_substatus(PurpleSavedStatus *status, const PurpleAccount *account, const PurpleStatusType *type, const char *message)
Set a substatus for an account in a saved status.
GList * purple_savedstatuses_get_all(void)
Returns all saved statuses.
const char * purple_savedstatus_get_message(const PurpleSavedStatus *saved_status)
Return the default message of a given saved status.
void purple_savedstatuses_init(void)
Initializes the status subsystem.
PurpleSavedStatus * purple_savedstatus_get_current(void)
Returns the currently selected saved status.
PurpleSavedStatus * purple_savedstatus_find(const char *title)
Finds a saved status with the specified title.
void purple_savedstatus_activate(PurpleSavedStatus *saved_status)
Sets the statuses for all your accounts to those specified by the given saved_status.
void purple_savedstatus_delete_by_status(PurpleSavedStatus *saved_status)
Delete a saved status.
void purple_savedstatus_set_idleaway(gboolean idleaway)
Set whether accounts in Purple are idle-away or not.
void purple_savedstatus_activate_for_account(const PurpleSavedStatus *saved_status, PurpleAccount *account)
Sets the statuses for a given account to those specified by the given saved_status.
const char * purple_savedstatus_get_title(const PurpleSavedStatus *saved_status)
Return the name of a given saved status.
PurpleSavedStatus * purple_savedstatus_find_transient_by_type_and_message(PurpleStatusPrimitive type, const char *message)
Finds a saved status with the specified primitive and message.
PurpleSavedStatus * purple_savedstatus_new(const char *title, PurpleStatusPrimitive type)
Create a new saved status.
PurpleSavedStatus * purple_savedstatus_get_startup(void)
Returns the status to be used when purple is starting up.
void purple_savedstatus_set_title(PurpleSavedStatus *status, const char *title)
Set the title for the given saved status.
void purple_savedstatus_set_type(PurpleSavedStatus *status, PurpleStatusPrimitive type)
Set the type for the given saved status.
PurpleSavedStatus * purple_savedstatus_get_default(void)
Returns the default saved status that is used when our accounts are not idle-away.
const PurpleStatusType * purple_savedstatus_substatus_get_type(const PurpleSavedStatusSub *substatus)
Get the status type of a given substatus.
const char * purple_savedstatus_substatus_get_message(const PurpleSavedStatusSub *substatus)
Get the message of a given substatus.
void * purple_savedstatuses_get_handle(void)
Get the handle for the status subsystem.
gboolean purple_savedstatus_is_transient(const PurpleSavedStatus *saved_status)
Determines if a given saved status is "transient." A transient saved status is one that was not expli...
gboolean purple_savedstatus_has_substatuses(const PurpleSavedStatus *saved_status)
Determine if a given saved status has "substatuses," or if it is a simple status (the same for all ac...
struct _PurpleStatusType PurpleStatusType
PurpleStatusType's are created by each PRPL.
A primitive defining the basic structure of a status type.
Structure representing an account.