

since: 2.0

Declaration [src]

purple_connection_error_is_fatal (
  PurpleConnectionError reason

Description [src]

Reports whether a disconnection reason is fatal (in which case the account should probably not be automatically reconnected) or transient (so auto-reconnection is a good idea).

For instance, #PURPLE_CONNECTION_ERROR_NETWORK_ERROR is a temporary error, which might be caused by losing the network connection, so purple_connection_error_is_fatal(PURPLE_CONNECTION_ERROR_NETWORK_ERROR) is FALSE.

On the other hand, #PURPLE_CONNECTION_ERROR_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED probably indicates a misconfiguration of the account which needs the user to go fix it up, so purple_connection_error_is_fatal(PURPLE_CONNECTION_ERROR_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED) is TRUE.

Available since: 2.0



Type: PurpleConnectionError

The connection error to check.

Return value

Type: gboolean

TRUE if the account should not be automatically reconnected, and FALSE otherwise.