

unstable since: 3.0

Declaration [src]

const char*
purple_xmlnode_get_default_namespace (
  const PurpleXmlNode* node

Description [src]

Returns the current default namespace. The default namespace is the current namespace which applies to child elements which are unprefixed and which do not contain their own namespace.

For example, given: <iq type=’get’ xmlns=’jabber:client’ xmlns:ns1=’’> <ns1:element><child1/></ns1:element> </iq>

The default namespace of all nodes (including ‘child1’) is “jabber:client”, though the namespace for ‘element’ is “”.

Available since: 3.0

Return value

Type: const char*

The default namespace of this node.

The returned data is owned by the instance.
The value is a NUL terminated UTF-8 string.