

unstable since: 3.0

Declaration [src]

purple_command_manager_find (
  PurpleCommandManager* manager,
  PurpleConversation* conversation,
  const char* name

Description [src]

Finds the command with a name of name with the highest priority.

If conversation is not NULL commands will be filtered to only include those that are valid for conversation by using purple_tags_contains() on conversation with the tags of the found commands.

Available since: 3.0



Type: PurpleConversation

An optional conversation.

The argument can be NULL.
The data is owned by the caller of the method.

Type: const char*

The name of the command.

The data is owned by the caller of the method.
The value is a NUL terminated UTF-8 string.

Return value

Type: PurpleCommand

The command if found, otherwise NULL.

The returned data is owned by the instance.