

since: 0.1

Declaration [src]

hasl_context_add_mechanism (
  HaslContext* ctx,
  const char* name,
  GType type

Description [src]

Registers type in ctx with the given name. name should follow the convention from RFC4422ยง3.1.

type is the GType of the HaslMechanism subclass.

See the following example:

hasl_context_add_mechanism(ctx, "PLAIN", HASL_TYPE_MECHANISM_PLAIN);

This only needs to be called for custom mechanisms, all of the built in mechanism are already added to all contexts by default. However, you may replace them by name if you need to adapt to a server that isn’t RFC compliant.

Available since: 0.1



Type: const char*

The name of the mechanism.

The data is owned by the caller of the function.
The value is a NUL terminated UTF-8 string.

Type: GType

The type of the mechanism.

Return value

Type: gboolean

TRUE if the mechanism was added, otherwise FALSE.