In order to enable LDAP to fetch usernames for a SSH public key you need to
pass a json configuration via --ldap-config="/path/to/ldap.json".
Local public keys in
./keys``` have precedence.
- username: the bind user name to LDAP (optional).
- password: the password for the bind user (optional, if empty it uses anonymous bind).
- address: the full address and port to LDAP server.
- baseDN: the base DN of your user scope.
- filter: the filter to fetch a username. %s will be replaced by the requested authorization key.
- attribute: the attribute name of the username.
"username": "MyLdapBindUser",
"password": "",
"address": "ldap://server.local:389",
"baseDN": "OU=Developer,DC=Domain,DC=local",
"filter": "(sshPublicKeys=%s*)",
"attribute": "sAMAccountName"