Gnt – 3.0
GLib Ncurses Toolkit
GLib—2.0 | General-purpose, portable utility library. |
Browse documentation | |
GObject—2.0 | The base type system library |
Browse documentation |
Alignment |
Alignment of contents of |
ColorType |
Different classes of colors. |
MenuType |
A toplevel-menu is displayed at the top of the screen, and it spans across the entire width of the screen. A popup-menu could be displayed, for example, as a context menu for widgets. |
MouseEvent |
The type of a mouse event, used in |
ProgressBarOrientation |
The orientation of a |
Style |
The type of style that a user might set. For boolean options, use gnt_style_get_bool(). For string options, use gnt_style_get(). |
EntryFlag |
Flags that control the behaviour of a |
TextFormatFlags |
Flags that determine the display style of portions of text in a
TextViewFlag |
Flags that determine the behaviour of a since: 2.1 |
WindowFlags |
Flags indicating the maximization state of a |
BindableActionCallback |
A callback for an action registered by gnt_bindable_class_register_action(). |
BindableActionCallbackNoParam |
A callback for an action with no parameters. |
DuplicateFunc |
A function used to duplicate some data in a hash table. See gnt_hash_table_duplicate(). |
MenuItemCallback |
A callback for when a menu item is activated. |
TreeSearchFunc |
A custom tree search function. |
ascii_only |
Check whether the terminal is capable of UTF8 display. |
color_add_pair |
Adds a color definition. since: 2.4 |
color_pair |
Return the appropriate character attribute for a specified color. If the terminal doesn’t have color support, this returns A_STANDOUT when deemed appropriate. since: 2.3 |
color_pairs_parse |
Parse color-pair information from a file. |
colors_get_color |
Parse a string color. since: 2.4 |
colors_parse |
Parse color information from a file. |
get_clipboard |
Get the global clipboard. |
get_clipboard_string |
Get the string in the clipboard. |
giveup_console |
Spawn a different application that will consume the console. |
hash_table_duplicate |
Duplicate the contents of a hastable. |
init |
Initialize GNT. |
init_colors |
Initialize the colors. |
init_keys |
Initialize the keys. |
init_styles |
Initialize style settings. |
is_refugee |
Check whether a child process is in control of the current terminal. |
key_lookup |
Translate a machine-readable representation of an input to a user-readable representation. |
key_translate |
Translate a user-readable representation of an input to a machine-readable representation. |
keys_add_combination |
Add a key combination to the internal key-tree. |
keys_del_combination |
Remove a key combination from the internal key-tree. |
keys_find_combination |
Find a combination from the given string. |
keys_refine |
Refine input text. This usually looks at what the terminal claims it is, and tries to change the text to work around some oft-broken terminfo entries. |
main |
Start running the mainloop for gnt. |
quit |
Terminate the mainloop of gnt. |
register_action |
Register a global action. |
screen_menu_show |
Show a menu. |
screen_move_widget |
Move a widget. |
screen_rename_widget |
Rename a widget. |
screen_resize_widget |
Resize a widget. |
set_clipboard_string |
Set the contents of the global clipboard. |
set_config_dir |
Change directory to store gnt configuration files (default is ~). since: 3.0 |
style_get |
Get the user-setting for a style. |
style_get_bool |
Get the boolean value for a user-setting. |
style_get_color |
Get the value of a color pair in ~/.gntrc. since: 2.4 |
style_get_from_name |
Get the value of a preference in ~/.gntrc. since: 2.1 |
style_get_string_list |
Get the value of a preference in ~/.gntrc. since: 2.4 |
style_parse_bool |
Parse a boolean preference. For example, if ‘value’ is “false” (ignoring case)
or “0”, the return value will be since: 2.1 |
style_read_actions |
Read user-defined actions defined for |
style_read_configure_file |
Read configuration from a file. |
style_read_menu_accels |
Read menu-accels from ~/.gntrc. |
uninit_colors |
Uninitialize the colors. |
uninit_styles |
Uninitialize style settings. |
util_get_text_bound |
Compute the width and height required to view the text on the screen. |
util_onscreen_fit_string |
Inserts newlines in ‘string’ where necessary so that its onscreen width is no more than ‘maxw’. |
util_onscreen_width |
Get the onscreen width of a string, or a substring. |
util_onscreen_width_to_pointer |
Computes and returns the string after a specific number of onscreen characters. |
util_parse_widgets |
Parse widgets from an XML description. For example, |
util_parse_xhtml_to_textview |
Parse an XHTML string and add it in a GntTextView with appropriate text flags. since: 2.2 |
util_set_trigger_widget |
Make some keypress activate a button when some key is pressed with ‘wid’ in focus. since: 2.1 |
Function Macros
hbox_new |
Create a new horizontal box. |
hline_new |
Create new horizontal line. |
hslider_new |
Create a new horizontal slider. since: 2.1 |
hwindow_new |
Create a new window with widgets stacked horizontally. |
This is needed so that g-ir-scanner does not take GNT_KEY_CTRL_* as constants — because if it does, the .gir contains the following invalid XML characters, and parsing explodes. |
If |
vbox_new |
Create a new vertical box. |
vline_new |
Create new vertical line. |
vslider_new |
Create a new vertical slider. since: 2.1 |
vwindow_new |
Create a new window with widgets stacked vertically. |
The character to use to fill in the blank places. |
Allow all characters in a |